
  • Khatamova Matluba Tilavovna Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Author


Stomach cancer, morphological features, gastroenterogicial features, endoscopy, cancer of breast, malignancy.


Stomach cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases, occupying a significant place in the structure of morbidity and mortality (V.I. Chissov, V.V. Starinsky, 2002; V.M. Merabishvili, 2011). From stomach cancer in the world annually kills up to 800,000 people. Among the oncological morbidity of the population of the Russian Federation, stomach cancer takes the 2nd place, second only to lung, trachea and bronchial tumors (V.I. Chissov; V.V. Starinsky; B.N. Kovalev; JI.B. Remennik, 2006). According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, gastric cancer ranks second after breast cancer in frequency of occurrence. Unfortunately, in more than 50% of cases, the primary detection of these patients occurs in advanced stages, when their treatment is quite difficult and is in most cases palliative in nature, aimed at some increase in life expectancy and improvement of its quality. (2018 year)



"Tibbiyotda yangi kun" magazine No. 3, pp. 14-18, 2019. Republic of Uzbekistan. D.Ya.Zaripova, M.N. Negmatullaeva, D.I.Tuksanova, N.G. Ashurova. "Influence of magnesium deficiency state and imbalance of steroid hormones in the body's vital functions."

"Tibbiyotda yangi kun" magazine No. 2, pp. 292-295, 2019. Republic of Uzbekistan. M.T.Khotamova, I.I.Tosheva. "Aspects of labor management in prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid."

"Tibbiyotda yangi kun" magazine No. 2, pp. 345-349, 2019. Republic of Uzbekistan. Khatamova MT, PECULIARITIES OF IMMUNE-HORMONAL INDICATORS OF THE POST-FERRIN PERIOD

"Tibbiyotda yangi kun" magazine No. 2, pp. 316-319, 2019, Republic of Uzbekistan. M.T. Hotamova, Sh.Zh. Shukurlaeva "Diagnostic criteria after birth septic conditions and methods of hemostasis"

Extremely prolonged premature rupture of membranes / Amici B. [et al.] // Minerva Ginecol. - 2017. - Vol. 49. P. 509-514.

"Tibbiyotda yangi kun" magazine No. 3, pp. 275-278, 2019, Republic of Uzbekistan. Khatamova MT, Soliyeva NK, CURRENT FEATURES OF CHRONIC PYELONEPHRITIS IN WOMEN OF FETURAL AGE.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G., Shukurlaeva Sh.Zh. Forecast of fetal deceleration in the second stage of labor. Problems of biology and medicine 2016. No. 4. P.107.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G. Arterial hypotension in pregnant women. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2014 # 2. P.96.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G., Rakhmatullaeva M.M. Ayollar bepushtligining tibbiy, izhtimoy jiҳatlari. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2014 # 1. P.84.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G., Shukurlaeva Sh.Zh. Bukhoro viloyatida uchraydigan obstetrician asoratlarining retrospectives Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2014 # 1. P.87.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G., Shukurlaeva Sh.Zh. Topical issues of sperm motility. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2014 # 1. P.89.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G., Shukurlaeva Sh.Zh. Predictive features of experimental myocardial infarction depending on gender. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2013 # 1. S.10-13.

Khatamova M.T., Rakhmatullaeva M.M., Ashurova N.G. Systemic and local levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines in women with bacterial vaginosis. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2013 # 4. S.21-23.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G. Endocrine bepushtlik bilan origan ayollarga microelementlar status of hususiyatlari. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2013 # 4. S. 80-83.

Khatamova M.T., Ashurova N.G. Hyperproloktinimiyasi bor aellarning clinic wa hormonal hususiyatlari. Dermotovenereology and Reproductive Health News. 2013 # 4. S.86-90.

16. Khatamova M.T., Rakhmatullaeva M.M. To the question of the frequency of iron deficiency animia in women using intrauterine contraception. Problems of biology and medicine 2016. No. 4. P.101.

