O‘zR FA SHI yetakchi ilmiy xodimi, falsafa fanlari doktori, Baxtiyor Rahmanovich Karimov taqrizi ostida
Organization of Turkic States, Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Shavkat Mirziyoev, Sadyr Japarov, Cholpon-ota summit, Chingiz Aytmatov, “Jewels of Turkic Literature”.Abstract
This article provides an assessment of the main points of cooperation between two fraternal states – Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in the scientific and cultural spheres within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. An analysis is presented of the high significance of diplomatic relations between the two countries during the years of independence and within the framework of the new structure. The 100 volume “Jewels of Turkic Literature” created on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev is considered one of the high examples of cultural ties. Nine volumes of this “golden collection” are dedicated to Kyrgyz literature, and the articles provide some analysis of the foundations of the creation of general volumes, the selection and artistic significance of the works included in them.
Мирзиёев Ш.М. Миллий тикланишдан – миллий юксалиш сари. Тошкент: Ўзбекистон, 2020. Б. 267. 2. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Alisher Navoiy. 6-jild. / to‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi Mirzo Kenjabek. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. B. 3. 3. Mannonov A., Hamidov X. Bebaho xazina (“Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari” tilimizda). Translation forum –
Oriental research journal. Volume 2, Special issue 28, December 2022. P. 272. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/bebaho-xazina-turkiy-adabiyot-durdonalari-tilimizda/viewer
Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Mahmud Koshg‘ariy. 1 - 2-jildlar. / to‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi
Hamidulla Boltaboyev. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 5. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Venger adabiyoti namunalari. 100-jild. / to‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi
G‘ayrat Majid. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. B. 3. 6. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Sarchashma. 82-jild / To‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin
Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022.
Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Tugalboy Sidiqbekov. 83-jild / To‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin
Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 8. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Oltin avlod vakillari. 84-jild. / To‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin
Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 9. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Chingiz Aytmatov. 85-jild / To‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi Ahmadjon
Meliboyev. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 10. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. To‘lagan Qosimbekov. 86-jild / To‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin
Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 11. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Mar Boyjiyev., Murza G‘aparov. 87-jild / To‘plovchi va nashrga tayyorlovchi
Mansur Jumayev. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 12. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Qosim Sulaymonov., To‘lan Jo‘ldoshev. 88-jild / To‘plovchi va nashrga
tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 13. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Qirg‘iz zamonaviy she’riyati antologiyasi. 89-jild. / To‘plovchi va nashrga
tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022. 14. Turkiy adabiyot durdonalari. Qirg‘iz zamonaviy nasri antologiyasi. 90-jild. / To‘plovchi va nashrga
tayyorlovchi Zuhriddin Isomiddinov. Toshkent: O‘zbekiston, 2022.