
  • Mashhura Karimova University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan, teacher Author


Mass media, communication, digital resources, podcasting, different genres, journalists.


The advent of podcasting has revolutionized the way we consume and engage with information, storytelling, and journalism. This emerging medium has sparked a contentious debate among scholars, journalists, and media critics: can podcasting be considered a new journalistic genre? While some argue that podcasting is merely an extension of traditional radio broadcasting, others contend that it has evolved into a distinct form of journalistic expression. This article will explore the notion that podcasting has become a new journalistic genre, examining its unique characteristics, the role of podcasters as journalists, and the impact of this medium on traditional journalism.


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How to Cite

Mashhura Karimova. (2024). PODCAST IS A NEW JOURNALISTIC GENRE (IS IT?). IQRO INDEXING, 9(2), 606-609. https://worldlyjournals.com/index.php/IFX/article/view/3229