
  • Kosimova Mukammal Umaraliyevna,Olimjonova To‘lganoy Farhodjon qizi Farg‘ona davlat universiteti Author


Lesson plan, EFL teaching, textbooks, internal reason, external reason, lesson objective, activities.


This article highlights the importance of lesson preparation for young EFL school teachers. In order to more investigate the issue, a summary of some previous research done in this regard is mentioned, as well as, the new results of currently organized interview in terms of EFL teachers’ preparation are presented, and compared with previous ones..


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How to Cite

Kosimova Mukammal Umaraliyevna,Olimjonova To‘lganoy Farhodjon qizi. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF LESSON PREPARATION FOR EFL TEACHERS. IQRO INDEXING, 9(2), 520-524.