


Orthodontics; artificial intelligence; deep learning; cephalometric analysis; radiology; CBCT; skeletal age; treatment planning.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of orthodontics, offering enhanced diagnostic precision and improved treatment planning. By integrating AI into orthodontic practices, professionals can leverage advanced algorithms for detailed dental diagnostics, accurate cephalometric analysis, and reliable skeletal age assessments. AI's role in evaluating the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and aiding in clinical decision-making processes further underscores its significance in modern orthodontics. Moreover, AI facilitates patient telemonitoring, allowing for continuous care and monitoring outside traditional clinical settings. Despite these advancements, the heterogeneity of studies and the inherent complexity of AI algorithms necessitate a cautious approach. Manual oversight remains essential to ensure the reliability of AI-driven conclusions. Furthermore, the ethical and privacy considerations associated with AI deployment must be meticulously managed. As AI continues to evolve, its integration into orthodontic practice demands ongoing learning, stringent governance, and a commitment to addressing these critical concerns to realize its full potential and maintain the trust of practitioners and patients alike.


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