
  • Rakhimova Kizlarkhon Fergana state university Author


Last​​ in years ecology degradation (climate change, desertification, biodiversity loss)​​ no hardening), natural of capital finished poverty​​ scale increasing progress , fresh water , food , energy shortage , people and countries between inequality such as problems current economic of the system perfect not being are the reasons .


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2.Rakhimova , Q. Socio-economic necessity of increasing the importance of green business. Web of Scientist: International Journal of Scientific Research , 3 (4), 2022, 034-1037.

3.Rakhimova Qizlarxon Ne`matjon qizi, ZIJumaqulov. Directions for improving the modernization of agricultural production and increasing innovative efficiency. Alternative energy sources and prospects for their use. 3 pages, 2017.

4.Rakhimova Qizlarxon Ne`matjon qizi . Economic development and growth factors of service enterprises . “Assessment of real sector enterprises in the context of economic modernization”. 3 pages, 2016.

5.Rakhimova Qizlarxon Ne`matjon qizi . Problems of global information security and its negative consequences . “Factors of youth consciousness formation in the era of information attack”. 3 pages, 2013 .

6.Rakhimova Qizlarxon Ne`matjon qizi . The structure of the agro-industrial complex of our country and the specific features of its development; Current issues of modern science education. 3, 2017.

7.Rakhimova Girls Nematjon daughter . Strong family in the year family business develop Factors . “The role of small business, family entrepreneurship, home farming, processing of agricultural raw materials and localization of industrial production in the development of the economy of Uzbekistan.” 3 pages, 2012.

8.Rakhimova Qizlarxon Ne`matjon qizi . Prospects for further increasing food production through land optimization . Scientific and practical conference “Our knowledge and intelligence to you, motherland!” 3 pages, 2016.

9.Rakhimova Qizlarkhon Ne`matjon qizi; The composition of the agro-industrial complex of our country and the specific features of its development; Current issues of modern science education. -3, 2017.

10.Rakhimova Qizlarkhon Ne`matjon qizi; The composition of the agro-industrial complex of our country and the specific features of its development. Current issues of modern science education. -3, 2017.

11.Rakhimova Qizlarkhon Ne`matjon qizi; The role of private capital in creating a healthy lifestyle; “Woman is the flower of spirituality” VI Republican scientific and practical conference. 3 pages, 2016.

12.Rakhimova QN Green business importance increasing of going socio-economic necessity . Scientific progress , 3 (2), 2022, 880-885.

13.Rakhimova, Q. N ; Current issues of Uzbekistan's transition to a "green" economy; Scientific and practical conference on the topic "Youth - the creators of a new Uzbekistan, a new Renaissance". -6 pages, 2021.

14.Rakhimova, Q. N .; The socio-economic necessity of the increasing importance of green business . " Education and Science in the XXI Century" Russian International Scientific Journal. -6, 2022.


