
  • Хайитова Ш.Д.,Нормуродов С. Самарқанд давлат тиббиёт университети Author


Tаълим, компетенция, ахборот муҳити, индивидуал, мустақил таълим, ташкил этиш, кўникма, малака.


Мақолада олий таълим тизимида талабаларнинг мустақил таълим олишларини ҳамда ахборот-технологик ва зарурий компетенцияларни ривожлантиришга қаратилган вазифалар иатрофлича ёритилган.


Касимова, О. Х. (2023). Роль Инновационных Технологий В Качественной Организации Образовательного Процесса Женщин-Педагогов. Research Journal of Trauma and Disability Studies, 2(12), 397-401.

Qosimova, O. (2023). Technology for increasing the social activity of teachers. International Bulletin of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 3(5), 177-179.

Normurodov, S. (2023). Activation of the independent work of a higher education student using a science textbook in the lecture lesson. International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(06), 262-265.

Daniyarovna, K. S. (2023). Independent Education-As a Process of Professional Training of Students. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices, 17, 80-93.

Хайитова, Ш. Д., & Нормуродов, С. (2023). Бўлажак тиббий таълим ўқитувчиларини мустақил таълим методикасини такомиллаштириш. " xxi asrda innovatsion texnologiyalar, fan va taʼlim taraqqiyotidagi dolzarb muammolar" nomli respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi, 1(7), 70-75.

Daniyarovna, K. S., & Alisherovna, N. L. (2023). Methodological basis of activating students’independent learning in the study of general sciences. Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 12, 183-201.

Normurodov, S. (2023). Theoretical model of student independent learning activation based on mobile technologies. International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 3(06), 257-261.

Daniyarovna, K. S., & Alisherovna, N. L. (2023). The Importance of Didactic Conditions in Improving the Independent Education of Students. Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, 17, 121-136.

Шахноза Хайитова (2021). Таълим тизими самарадорлигини оширишда мустақил таълимнинг ўрни. Academic research in educational sciences, 2 (4), 1478-1486. doi: 10.24411/2181-1385-2021-00761

Daniyarovna, H. S. (2021). The Main Features of Organizing Students’ Independent Work in The Educational Process. Central asian journal of literature, philosophy and culture, 2(2), 16-21.

Хайитова, Ш. Д. (2021). Талабалар Мустақил Таълим Олишини Фаоллаштириш Бугунги Давр Талаби. Таълим ва Ривожланиш Таҳлили онлайн илмий журнали, 1(5), 153-158.

Хайитова, Ш. Д., & Розикова, Л. Т. (2021). Талабалар Мустақил Таълимини Фаоллаштиришда Ахборот Технологиянинг Ўрни. Таълим ва Ривожланиш Таҳлили онлайн илмий журнали, 1(5), 162-167

Хайитова, Ш. (2021). Таълим тизими самарадорлигини оширишда мустақил таълимнинг ўрни. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(4), 1478-1486.

Hayitova, S. D., & Abdulhayev, I. A. O. (2022). Ta’lim muassasalarida va o’zbek oilalarida bolalar ma’naviyatini shakllantirishda kitobxonlikning o’rni. Science and Education, 3(2), 796-802.

Hayitova, S. D. (2022). The levels of students’independent learning activities and the ways to improve working independently. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2022(2), 136-149.

Daniyarovna, H. S. (2022). Mechanisms to activate student independent learning. Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 4, 293-296.

Daniyarovna, H. S. (2022). THe importance of independent learning in improving the quality of teaching. Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 4, 308-316.

Daniyarovna, H. S. (2022). The didactic model of activating students’independent work. Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 4, 303-307.

Daniyarovna, H. S. (2022). Activation of independent student study on the basis of modern approach. Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 4, 283-288.

Daniyarovna, H. S. (2022). Ways to activate student independent education. Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 4, 297-302.

Choriev, R. K., Khujakeldiev, K. N., Kucharov, S. A., Khayitova, S. D., Abdiev, N., & Amirqulov, X. Q. (2022). Pedagogical Problems Of Distance And Traditional Education. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2895-2904.

Hayitova, S. D., & Abdulhayev, I. A. O. (2022). Education in institutions and uzbek in their families children spirituality in shaping of reading place _. Science and Education, 3(2), 796-802.

Xudoynazarovna, Q. O., & Azamat o’g’li, N. S. (2023). Development of Teachers' Moral Competence is the Demand of the Times. American journal of science and learning for development, 2(5), 57-59.



2024-02-06 — Updated on 2024-02-06


How to Cite

Хайитова Ш.Д.,Нормуродов С. (2024). ТАЛАБАЛАРНИНГ МУСТАҚИЛ ИШ ФАОЛИЯТИНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШ МАЗМУНИ ВА ФУНКЦИЯЛАРИ. IQRO INDEXING, 7(2). http://worldlyjournals.com/index.php/IFX/article/view/450