
  • Kh.Khayrullayev, U.Kuldoshov, A.Almuratova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author


Metaphor, Cognitive metaphor, Linguistic analysis, Figurative thought, Idioms, Derivation of metaphor, Methods, Successful metaphor checking.


The research article investigates the significance of checking metaphors in a cognitive manner. The definition of metaphor is explained in the beginning. The second part focuses on cognitive metaphors, with examples and implication. In the next part the derivation of the cognitive metaphor is explored, adding researcher's theory about it. Also, one of the most essential features of the article that clarifies the importance of the cognitive metaphor is conveyed. Moreover, methods checking metaphors in a cognitive way are counted and defined. The conclusion outlines the necessity of checking cognitive metaphor and advocates for more attention to metaphor use as well as future research in this area.


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