standard, measurement, non-standard, quantity, linguistics, linguaculturology, units.Abstract
In world linguistics and translation studies, the translation of units of measurement is one of the topics that has not lost its relevance. Today, the widespread establishment of interstate political, economic, cultural, and social ties has led to an increased need for the study and development of different languages. Currently, scientific research in areas related to language and culture, language and society, which is improving, requires a comprehensive analysis within the framework of related and non-related languages. In world linguistics, as well as in the spiritual and cultural direction, people's desire for unity, interest in learning the culture and language of other peoples, and the establishment of trade relations create a need for the study of units of measurement. Although many scientific works have been carried out in world and Uzbek linguistics on the topic of units of measurement to date, this topic has not been studied in a comparative aspect in English and Uzbek linguistics as a whole system, taking into account linguistic and linguocultural features, it shows that it should be studied in a comparative aspect within the framework of these unrelated languages.
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3. Adrian Brasoveanu. Measure Noun Polysemy and Monotonicity: Evidence from Romanian Pseudopartitives.
4. Нагорная Людмила Антоновна. Способы выражения категории "мера" в английском языке в сопоставлении с русским : диссертация кандидата филологических наук : 10.02.20 Томск, 2007 222 с., Библиогр.: с. 168-192 РГБ ОД, 61:07-10/1780