
  • Amanullayev Abdinabi Namangan davlat universiteti Tasviriy va amaliy san`at kafedrasi p.f.n. professori Author


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“XVII asrning ikkinchi yarmi va XIX asr boshlarida bu yerga rus rassomlari kelib turar, hatto doim shu erda ishlab, Turkiston xalqlarining turmushi va tabiatini yuksak gumanizm pozitsiyasidan turib aks ettirardilar” O‘sha paytlarda mamlakatda ijod qilgan rus va boshqa millatga mansub rassomlar jumlasiga Rossiyada kelgan rassom va haykaltaroshlar haqida so`z yuritiladi.


Amanullaev, A. (2022). Specific Factors Of Comprehensive Study And Analysis Of The History And Culture Of The Uzbek People. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing & Management Review Issn: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(02), 1-4.

Amanullaev, A. A. (2022). Current Issues In The Training Of Future Teachers Of Fine Arts. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing & Management Review Issn: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(03), 1-3.

Абдимуминова, Д. А., & Амануллаев, А. А. (2018). Использование Традиций Этики" Устоз-Шогирд"(Мастер И Ученик) На Занятиях Прикладного Искусства. Novainfo. Ru, 2(85), 203-206.

Abdumo‘Minovich, A. A. (2023). Qadimda Ustalarning Shogird Tayyorlashda O’Ziga Xos Milliy Ananaviy Asoslari. Journal Of Universal Science Research, 1(5), 1440-1447.

Abdumo‘Minovich, A. A. (2023). Bo’Lg’Usi Tasviriy San’At O’Qituvchilarini Tayyorlashda Hozirgi Davr Dolzarb Masalalari. Journal Of Universal Science Research, 1(5), 1423-1429.

Sodiq, Am (2022). Tasviriy San’At Asarlarida Kopozİtsiyaning Baddiy Qimmatini Tahlil Va Tashrib Bera Va O’Quvchilarning Baddiy Idrok Haqidagi Bilimlarini Oshirish. Xalqaro Jurnali Ijtimoiy Fan Va Interdisplinar Research Issn: 2277-3630 Ta'Sir Faktori: 7.429 , 11 (03), 149-151.

Sodiq, A. M. (2023). Bolajak Tasviriy Sanat Oqituvchilarida Badiiy-Ijodiy Mahoratlarini Rivojlantirishda Manzara Janridan Foydalanish Usullari. Journal Of Universal Science Research, 1(5), 1430-1439.

Muhammad, A. (2022). Peculiarities Of The Scientific Study Of The Relationship Between Composition And Color In The Genre Of Landscape. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing & Management Review Issn: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(02), 5-8.

Abdumo, M. A. O. G. L. (2022). Ochiq Havoda Insonlarni Turli Xolatlaridan Tasvirlar Bajarish Texnologiyalari. Science And Education, 3(9), 474-480.

Abdumo’Minova, D. A. Q. (2022). Talabalarga Tasviriy San’Atdan Mashg’Ulotlarni Tashkil Etishda Qalamtasvirning Nazariy Qonunlardan Foydalanish. Science And Education, 3(9), 467-473.

Dildora, A. (2022). Training Of Professionals With Positive Human Qualities In The Lessons Of Fine And Applied Arts In The Education Of The Modern Spirit. International Journal Of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research Issn: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 7.429, 11(03), 152-154.

Dildora, A. (2022). The Emergence Of Some Modern Problems In The Field Of Architecture In The Modern Construction Of Ancient Cities Rich In Historical Monuments And Relics. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing & Management Review Issn: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(02), 9-11.

Қизи, А. Д. А. (2023). Разработка Технологий Практического Обучения Учащихся Изобразительному Искусству. Innovation: The Journal Of Social Sciences And Researches, 1(4), 201-203.

Абдумуминов, М. А. Ў. (2022). Развитие Творческих Способностей Студентов Путем Изучения Произведений Современных Узбекских Художников-Живописцев. Innovation: The Journal Of Social Sciences And Researches, 1(2).

Sadiq, A. M. (2024). Studying The Stages Of The Historical Development Of The Landscape Genre And Its Importance In The Development Of The Artistic And Creative Skills Of Future Visual Arts Teachers. International Journal Of Research In Commerce, It, Engineering And Social Sciences Issn: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876, 18(01), 28-32.

Abdinabi, A. (2024). The Compositional Structure Of The Works Of Artists Who Created Still Life In Painting Is Their Scientific Analysis. International Journal Of Research In Commerce, It, Engineering And Social Sciences Issn: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876, 18(01), 17-21.

Қизи, А. Д. А. (2023). Разработка Технологий Практического Обучения Учащихся Изобразительному Искусству. Innovation: The Journal Of Social Sciences And Researches, 1(4), 201-203.

Dildora, A. (2024). Teaching Composition To Students In Fine Art Educational Institutions And Developing Artistic And Creative Thinking As A Pedagogical Problem. International Journal Of Research In Commerce, It, Engineering And Social Sciences Issn: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876, 18(01), 22-27.

Ubaydullayev, M. A. (2023). Development And Popularization Of Methods Of Teaching Students Of The Direction Of Fine Arts Through Information Technology. Евразийский Журнал Академических Исследований, 3(2), 166-169.

Убайдуллаев, М. А. (2022). Проблема Профессиональной Компетентности В Подготовке Будущих Учителей Изобразительного Искусства В Интерпретации Зарубежной Педагогики. Science And Innovation, 1(Jssr), 177-182.

Pulatov, D., & Ubaydullaev, M. (2023). Formation Of New Creative Directions In Modern Fine Art Of Uzbekistan. Solution Of Social Problems In Management And Economy, 2(2), 34-39.

Saymamutovich, P. D., & Akhmadjonovich, U. M. (2023). The End Of The 20Th Century The Beginning Of The 21St Century Uzbekistan Magnificent Sculpture. Open Access Repository, 4(2), 102-107.

Убайдуллаев, М. А. (2022). Композиция Асосларининг Тасвирий Санъат Дарсларида Қулланилиши. Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, Educational, Natural And Social Sciences, 2(12), 329-332.

Abdinabi, A. (2024). The Compositional Structure Of The Works Of Artists Who Created Still Life In Painting Is Their Scientific Analysis. International Journal Of Research In Commerce, It, Engineering And Social Sciences Issn: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876, 18(01), 17-21.

Abdinabi, A., & Rayhona, T. (2024). Specific Characteristics Of The Foundations Of Artistic Creativity In The Types And Genres Of Fine Art. Web Of Teachers: Inderscience Research, 2(3), 219-228.

