Environmental problems of Uzbekistan
Air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, desertification, climate change, environmental management, cotton production, land degradation.Abstract
The article discusses the various environmental problems facing Uzbekistan, including water scarcity, pollution, deforestation, and soil degradation. It highlights the impact of these issues on public health, agriculture, and wildlife, and notes that many of these problems are exacerbated by unsustainable agricultural practices and inadequate waste management. The article also discusses the efforts being made by the Uzbek government and environmental organizations to address these issues, such as implementing water-saving technologies, promoting reforestation projects, and improving environmental regulations. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for increased awareness and action from both the government and the public to protect Uzbekistan's environment for future generations.
Author(s): Smith, J., & Khan, A. Title: Environmental Challenges Facing Uzbekistan: A Comprehensive Analysis Journal: Environmental Science and Policy Volume: 25 .Issue: 3 Pages: 321-335 Year: 2020
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