
  • Usmonova Dona Satvoldiyevna,Isaqjonova Durdona Davronbek qizi Fergana State University Author


Gradatsiya, gradient, lingvistik, nazariya, tur, baholash, darajalar, hukm, tahlil, faktlar.


Ushbu maqola tilshunoslikda gradatsiya (darajalash) bo’yicha nazariy ma’lumotlardan tashkil topgan. Xususan, gradatsiya tushunchasi tarixiga nazar tashlanib, uning mazmun mohiyati, qo’llanilishi va turlari haqida bir qator nazariyalar yoritib berilgan.


Boersma, P., Levelt, C., 2000. Gradual constraint-ranking learning algorithm predicts acquisition order. In: Clark, E. V. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 30th Child Language Research Forum. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, pp. 299–237.

Chomsky, N., 1975. The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. Plenum Press, New York.

Gradience in Grammar: Generative Perspectives, ed. by Gisbert Fanselow. Oxford University Press, 2006

Guy, G. R., Boberg, C., 1997. Inherent variability and the obligatory contour principle. Language Variation and Change 9, 149–164.

Hayes, B. P., 1997. Gradient well-formedness in Optimality Theory, unpubl. handout, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles.

James R. Hurford, The Origins of Grammar: Language in the Light of Evolution II. Oxford University Press, 2012

Kuno, S., 1976. Gapping: A functional analysis. Linguistic Inquiry 7, 300–318. 11. Labov, W., 1969. Contraction, deletion, and inherent variability of the English copula. Language 45 (4), 715–762.

P.H. Matthews, Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, 1997

Satvoldievna, U. D. (2020). A typological analysis of body parts names in English as part of somatic phraseology. Проблемы современной науки и образования, (2 (147)), 32-34.

Satvoldievna, U. D., & Qizi, A. M. N. (2020). Comparative typological analysis of semantic-structural features of conditional inclination in different systematic languages. Проблемы современной науки и образования, (4-2 (149)), 21-23.

