
  • Yarashova Rushana Kamoliddin qizi,Hasan Ahmedov Uzairov Chirchik State Pedagogical University Author


Folk poetry, influence, society.


Folk poetry, as a form of oral literature passed down through generations, has had a profound influence on society throughout history. This abstract explores the impact of folk poetry on various aspects of society, including cultural identity, social cohesion, political activism, and preservation of historical memory. By examining the characteristics and functions of folk poetry, this abstract highlights its ability to reflect the beliefs, values, and experiences of a community, thereby shaping collective consciousness. It also explores how folk poetry serves as a medium for expressing dissent, resistance, and solidarity in times of political and social upheaval. Furthermore, the abstract discusses the role of folk poetry in preserving and transmitting cultural heritage, as it often serves as a repository of historical events, myths, and traditions. Overall, folk poetry emerges as a powerful tool for social engagement, cultural preservation, and the construction of collective narratives within society.


Oral Tradition: Folk poetry often originates from oral traditions, passed down through generations. It plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage and transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next. It reflects the customs, rituals, and historical events of a community, promoting a sense of identity and belonging.

Social Commentary: Folk poetry frequently serves as a form of social commentary, addressing societal issues, injustices, and inequalities. It gives voice to the marginalized and oppressed, highlighting their struggles and advocating for change. It can be a powerful tool for social mobilization and challenging the status quo.

Resistance and Revolution: Throughout history, folk poetry has been used as a tool of resistance against colonialism, imperialism, and oppressive regimes. It provides an outlet for dissent and rebellion, empowering individuals and communities to express their discontent and aspirations for freedom and justice.

