: national literature, culture, critisism, cultural fragmentationAbstract
Until the 1970s, it was believed that the term "English literature" meant, first of all, literature created in the area of the British Isles. The work of major writers who lived outside England was either not studied or assimilated within the English tradition. The literature of the United States of America stood apart, since it had its own history. However, American literature was studied outside North America quite sporadically, although many American writers preferred to live in England and Europe.
1.Literatures of the World in English / Ed. B. King. L.; Boston, 1974. Р. 1.
2.Ghosh A. In an Antique Land. N. Y., 1993. Р. 237.
3.Huntington S. P. The Clash of Civilizations?// Foreign Affairs (Summer 1993). Р. 49.
4.Said E. W. Figures, Configurations, Transfigurations // J. N. Cox, L. D. Reynolds (eds.). New Historical Studies. Princeton,1993. Р. 328.
5.Bachmann-Medick D. Kulturelle Texte und interkulturelle (Miss-) Verstehen // Perspektiven und Verfahren interkultureller Germanistik. Munich, 1987. S. 653–664.
6.Literatures of the World in English / Ed. B. King. Р. 2.
7.Chase R. The American novel and its tradition. Garden City; N.Y., 1957; Bradbury M. Dangerous Pilgrimages. TransAtlantic Mythologies and the Novel. L., 1995.
8.Rao R. Kanthapura. N. Y., 1938. Р. VII.