
  • Sh.B. Rakhmanov Asia international university, teacher Author


final distillation, micelle, barbotage, steam, gas torch, sharp water vapor.


In this article, a mathematical model for determining the hydrodynamic parameters of the acute vapor phase in the bubble layer during the final distillation process of cotton oil mistella in the industry by the bubble method was developed and its scientific basis was described.


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7.M.S. Narziyev, Sh.B. Raxmonov, S.X. Xalilov, Sh.K. Madiyev. Systematic analysis hierarchical structure of cotton seed oil micelle final distillation equipment// “Sanoat injiniringida innovatsion yechimlar” mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjumani. 24-25 noyabr, 2023.–Buxoro. 211-212 b.

8.Sh.B. Raxmonov. Calculation of the smooth distribution of sharp steam supplied in a bubble-type mass exchange apparatus over the sectional surface of the apparatus// Universum: Технические науки, Выпуск: 9(116) Ноябрь 2023, cт. 18-20.

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