Sports education , Individualized teaching model , Rhythm , Tactics game approach model , In general regularly and continuously musicAbstract
Today, due to the insufficient level of knowledge about physical activity in society, lack of understanding of the importance of physical education and sports, people are moving to a sedentary lifestyle, and because of this, many negative situations occur in society.
Sports are good for health for people of all ages. Regular participation in sports is of great importance in the healthy growth of children, therefore, in raising a healthy generation. growth, socialization, development of their own positive emotions and life-long improvement, teaching positive perception and thinking is of great help to parents and teachers. It is known that the participation of individuals in movement training activities improves their body, mind and personal structure and makes a significant contribution to sociological development. Therefore, taking into account the characteristics of the developmental period, it is believed that the educational programs implemented in the relevant areas during the critical age periods contribute positively to the physical, mental and social development of the child.
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