
  • Ayupova Shakhnoza Takhirjan kizi Tashkent State Dental Institute, Department of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Assistant Author


Ichthyosis, modern treatment methods, genetic foundations, synthetic retinoid, skin moisture preservation, local treatment, gene therapy, molecular agents, scientific analysis.


This article is dedicated to modern treatment methods for ichthyosis, explaining the clinical manifestations of the disease and its genetic basis, as well as discussing the most effective treatment strategies and new research currently being conducted. Various forms of ichthyosis, including the most common X-linked ichthyosis and less common but more severe forms, are presented. The article also highlights pharmacological approaches to treatment, such as synthetic retinoid, and local treatments for maintaining skin moisture, including special ointments and creams. Additionally, information is provided about the latest innovations, such as gene therapy and molecular agents, which may play a significant role in the future treatment of ichthyosis. The article concludes with a deep analysis of new approaches and their scientific foundations in combating ichthyosis, promising new treatment possibilities for those suffering from this condition.


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