
  • Kewlimjaeva Gulmira Qonaqbay qizi Teacher of the Department of English Language and Literature at Berdakh KSU, Karakalpakstan Author


lullabies, poetics, English Language, Karakalpak Language, cultural expression, thematic analysis, structural elements, oral traditions, rhyme


This article presents a comparative analysis of the poetics of lullabies in the English and Karakalpak languages, examining their thematic content, structural elements, and cultural significance. English lullabies often emphasize comfort, security, and parental love, using nature imagery and simple, repetitive structures to create a soothing effect. In contrast, Karakalpak lullabies incorporate blessings, references to the nomadic lifestyle, and cultural symbols, reflecting the traditional values and oral traditions of the Karakalpak people. Both traditions use repetition, rhyme, and rhythm to calm and reassure the child, although the specific literary techniques and motifs differ based on cultural contexts. This study highlights the universal purpose of lullabies in providing comfort and the unique ways in which different cultures achieve this through their poetic traditions. By exploring these differences and similarities, the article offers insights into how lullabies function as a means of cultural expression and continuity.


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