
  • Uralova Nargiza Eshmurot qizi Karshi State University 1st year MA student. Author


metaphor, linguistics, digital technologies, figurative language, cross-domain mappings.


This article explores the use of metaphors across various linguistic domains, illustrating their profound impact on technology.  By examining the use of metaphors in various linguistic contexts, we aim to understand how these figurative expressions shape our understanding of technological terms that we are immersed in on a daily basis and its structure. Apart from discussing about metaphorical language of technology, this article investigates and analyzes some metaphors in every day conversations as well. The results reveal that metaphors play a crucial role in conceptualizing abstract technological concepts, facilitating communication, and reflecting digital literacy. The findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on the importance of metaphor in this  specific linguistic domain research and its potential implications for daily and cross-cultural communication.


Definition of METAPHOR". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 29 March 2024.

Meaningful Technologies: How Digital Metaphors Change the Way We Think and Live Lever Press ISBN: 978-1-64315-042-0 Fernando Nascimento Bowdoin College

The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor George Lakoff 1992

Metaphorical Internet Terms in English and French. Ingrid MEYER, Victoria ZALUSKI, Kristen MACKINTOSH, Clara FOZ, School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa

Definition of METAPHOR". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 29 March 2024.

Gibbs RW Jr. (ed.) (2008) The Cambridge Handbook Metaphor and Thought. Twenty-Eight Chapters. Cambridge University Press

Brigitte Nerlich and David D. Clarke. (2001) Mind, meaning and metaphor: the philosophy and psychology of metaphor in 19th-century Germany

Gregory L. Murphy. (1996) On metaphoric representation. Cognition 60:173-204.


