online arbitration,arbitration agreement,American Arbitration Association, The Singapore International Arbitration Center, Procedure for Commencing ArbitrationAbstract
Online arbitration has emerged as a popular method of dispute resolution in the digital age, offering convenience, cost savings and accessibility. This article provides an overview of the legal procedures involved in online arbitration. This begins with the importance of having a valid agreement that indicates the intent to conduct the arbitration online and the choice of arbitration rules. Then the issue of choosing an arbitral tribunal is discussed, emphasizing the need for impartial and independent arbitrators with experience in this matter. The article describes the initiation of the arbitration process, including the filing of the notice of arbitration and the respondent's response. Emphasizes the role of online case management tools in document sharing, scheduling hearings , and managing communication. Conducting virtual court hearings is examined, covering various formats and court discretion in determining procedural rules. The article examines the exchange of documents and evidence, including court orders and parties' requests for document preparation. Finally, it discusses the process of issuance and subsequent enforcement of an arbitral award . By understanding the legal process for conducting online arbitration, parties can effectively navigate the virtual environment and take advantage of the advantages it offers in resolving disputes.
Xalqaro tijorat arbitraj to’g’risidagi qonun
TIAC reglamenti
SIAC reglamenti
Xalqaro tijorat arbitraj darslik,Mozes