
  • Akhmatova Nozima Gafurovna, Ata-Kurbanova Gulnora Alisherovna Students of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Author


Cognitive styles, learning modalities, emotional states, cognitive functions, language performance, intrinsic motivation, willingness to communicate, supportive learning environment, personal satisfaction, educational psychology, language proficiency, psychological conditions, language learning, anxiety, motivation, integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, self-esteem.


The process of learning a language is intricate and impacted by a number of variables, including as psychological states, contextual circumstances, and cognitive processes. Since emotional moods, motivation levels, and cognitive styles can all have a big impact on a learner's capacity to pick up new languages, it is imperative to understand the psychological component. This research article uses theoretical frameworks and empirical investigations to examine how various psychological circumstances impact language learning ability.


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