
  • Sarimsoqov Sirojiddin Shoyzakovich,Kattabekova Xolida teacher,student Author


foreign language, lexical skill, learning strategies, communicative, functional approach.


This article analyzes the process of forming students’ lexical skills, and also examines the functional approach to teaching the lexical side of foreign language speech. During the study, a set of lexically targeted exercises was developed and presented. The object of the study was the process of formation of foreign language lexical skills at the initial stage of schooling. Issues of developing lexical skills are covered in the works of many famous scientists. An analysis of the literature and practice of teaching foreign languages ​​led to the conclusion that one of the main problems in the process of teaching vocabulary is the low level of development of lexical skills in many students. In the school education system, the traditional approach is more often implemented, which does not ensure the communicative nature of the lesson and the full involvement of students in the educational process. In this case, vocabulary is acquired without taking into account situations, and only then is it given situational relevance. The authors believe that the main disadvantage of the traditional approach is that the new words presented for learning are not significant for students either semantically or emotionally, since they are not in demand in the immediate communicative situation. The relevance of the study lies in the development of a communicative methodology for teaching vocabulary, which is most effective at the junior stage of teaching a foreign language at school. In the study, the authors used methods such as observation, comparison, experiment, measurement, description, formalization, analysis, generalization, analogy and classification. In the process of research, the key features of the communicative methodology for teaching vocabulary were identified: the gaming context of the activity; use of visual aids in the classroom; problematic orientation of educational and cognitive activity; communicative nature of the training; comprehensive development of students' personality in a foreign language lesson. The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of using the specified methodology and set of exercises in educational institutions in order to optimize the educational process of teaching foreign language vocabulary.


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