
  • Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi ,Mamarajabova Diyora Akrom qizi Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek The Faculty of Psychology, the department of Foreign languages Philology and teaching languages Author


Uzbekistan, education system, compulsory education, secondary education, vocational education, higher education, curriculum reforms, language of instruction, educational institutions.


This article provides an overview of the education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan, focusing on its structure, key features, and recent reforms. It highlights the compulsory education period, options for secondary education and vocational training, and the availability of higher education programs. The article also discusses the language of instruction, curriculum reforms, and efforts to improve education infrastructure. Additionally, it explores the types of educational institutions commonly found in Uzbekistan and their roles in the education system.


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