
  • Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi, Marufjonova Muborak Laziz qiz Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek The Faculty of Psychology, the department of Foreign languages Philology and teaching languages,Student of group 403-22: Author


Uzbekistan, Army, Military, Defense, Security, Modernization, Regional Cooperation


This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Army of the Republic of Uzbekistan, highlighting its strengths, challenges, and future prospects. It delves into the historical context of the Uzbekistani military, tracing its evolution since independence in 1991. The article examines the structure, organization, and capabilities of the army, emphasizing its role in national defense and regional security. Furthermore, it analyzes the challenges faced by the Uzbekistani military, including modernization efforts, geopolitical tensions, and internal security concerns. The article concludes by discussing potential avenues for the army's development and the importance of international cooperation in enhancing Uzbekistan's defense capabilities.


Armed forces of the republic of uzbekistan

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