Xadicha Sulaymonova: influential figure in the legal landscape of Uzbekistan


  • Sitora Ibrohimova Ilhomjon qizi Tashkent state university of law Student of Criminal justice faculty Author


Xadicha Sulaymonova, legal system, justice, career, professorship, progress, Uzbekistan, impact.


Xadicha Sulaymonova (1913-1965) was an exceptional legal scholar and influential figure in the legal landscape of the UzSSR. Her groundbreaking achievements and unwavering commitment to justice and equality have left an indelible mark on the history of law and governance in Uzbekistan. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Sulaymonova's extraordinary career, her significant contributions to the field of jurisprudence, and the lasting impact of her pioneering work.


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Muhayyo Kutumbekovna Tulaganova, Komron Turg‘un o’g’li Tursunmurodov XADICHA SULAYMONOVA – BIRINCHI O‘ZBEK HUQUQSHUNOS OLIMA: O‘ZBEKISTON XALQIGA QOLDIRGAN MEROSI VA HUQUQIY TIZIMIGA QO‘SHGAN ULKAN HISSASI // Academic research in educational sciences. 2023. №Periodical Collection 7.URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/xadicha-sulaymonova-birinchi-o-zbek-huquqshunos-olima-o-zbekiston-xalqiga-qoldirgan-merosi-va-huquqiy-tizimiga-qo-shgan-ulkan (дата обращения: 14.04.2024).

