
  • Gaziyeva Nozima Shoirjon qizi Samarqand tumani Maktabgacha va maktab talim boʻlimiga qarashli 11-maktab psixologi Author


suitsid, jamiyat, depressiya, krizis, affekt, psixologik ta’sir, voyaga yetmagan, o‘zgarish, diniy qarashlar, xalqlar tarixi, psixologik hodisa, umidsizlik, kasallik, o‘lim


Maqolada bugungi kunda suitsid muammosi yuzasidan, dunyo va yurtimiz olimlari tomonidan olib borilgan qator tadqiqotlar va ularning natijalari yuzasidan ishlab chiqilgan ilmiy xulosalar tahlil qilingan bo‘lib, qo‘lga kiritilgan ilmiy va empirik natijalar atroflicha tahlil etilgan va muallif qarashlari bilan boyitilgan.


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Elov Z.S. Causes and analysis of suicidal thoughts among adolescents. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD). Volume: 6 | Issue: 11 | November 2021 75-76

Elov Z.S. Conditions and the reasons of cases of the suicide among the staff of law-enforcement bodies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol 5 2017

Elov Z.S. Psychological influence of speech disorders and the causes that cause them on the child's psyche. Academicia globe: inderscience research volume: 3, issue 1, january-2022 39-42

Elov Z.S. Researches of the Reasons Conditions, Fastors of Suicide Rick Intellectual Archive Volume 5 Number 1. 2016. 49-53

Elov.Z.S. Қадимги халқлар урф-одатлари ва ривожланган жамиятда ўз жонига қасд қилишнинг ижтимоий психологик сабаблари. Тарих ва бугун (қадимги халқлар урф-одатлари ва бугунги замон) Jamiyat va innovasiyalar. 10.2021 169-173.

F.F.Usmonov, Z.S.Elov. Suicide – as a global problem facing humanity. Web of scientist: international scientific research journal. Volume 3, Issue 2, Feb.,2022. 349-354

