
  • Sheralieva Sayyora Joraboevna.,Asrankulova Dilorom Bakhtiyarovna Head of the 1st department of obstetrics and gynecology Author


endometriosis, endometrioma, ovarian reserve, cystectomy, ART.


Endometriosis remains one of the most pressing problems in the practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist and affects about 10% of women of reproductive age. The most common form of the disease is ovarian endometrioma, accounting for 17 to 44% of cases. Ovarian endometrioma is a common cause of infertility, distorting the anatomy of a woman’s pelvis, changing hormonal and cellular function, and also leads to endocrine and ovulatory disorders, altered quality of oocytes and embryos. It is known that the presence of endometrioma as such, and not just surgical treatment, can lead to reduced ovarian reserve. The review article presents modern methods of managing patients with ovarian endometrioma, aimed at preserving reproductive potential.


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