
  • Ilxamov B.B Doctoral student of TSUULL Author


Internet Discussions, Discourse Analysis, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning


The authors’ method of discourse analysis of Internet discussions on relevant socio-political themes is fully described in the article. Initially, the methodology supposed only manual mechanisms of data processing, including coding and analyzing parameters of deliberative standard, created on basis of Habermas’ concept. However, authors’ experiment detected opportunities of artificial neural networks’ usage for deeper comprehension of public discussions’ results. On the grounds of outcomes, gained during approbation of automized program for Internet deliberations’ analysis, a few perspectives for further in- vestigations with use of machine training as research instrumentation were noticed: the first one is to use AI technologies as research tools for encoding and analyzing parameters of the deliberative standard, the second one is related to the creation of methods for recognizing parameters such as argumentation and civility, the third one is to provide researchers with statistical analysis based on ML results with visualization elements.


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