
  • Sayfillaeva D. K., Golovushkin D.A. Associate Professor BukhSU, Department of Jurisprudence and Socio-Political Sciences Author


society, stoicsm, soul, asharizm, sufizm, scholar, moral, social issues.


The article presents Abu Hamid Ghazali's questions and views about philosophers and his attitude towards them, based on his writings on society. He views society as an interconnected mechanism, where a person cannot do alone, and all people’s actions are interconnected. In particular, his works on society, rulers and women are analyzed. Ghazali occupies a special place in the history of philosophy. He paved a completely unique new path. He did not follow the Greek and Islamic scholars and philosophers of his contemporaries. He was the only philosopher who criticized philosophers not only of the East, but also of the West. The thinker was against blind imitation. Intelligence, natural talent, true knowledge and action were the cornerstone and basis of Ghazali's philosophy. The “great mind” of the East, the thinker Abu Hamid Muhammad Ghazali, was born in 1058 in Hamadan on the outskirts of the city of Tus in Khorasan. This scientist, with his scientific and religious worldview, not only as a bright representative of his time, but also of subsequent centuries, turned into one of the great personalities.  In fiqh he was known as a Shafi'i, in kalam he supported the views of the Ash'arites, but at the end of his life fate pushed him against Sufism. Throughout his life, Ghazali studied and criticized, starting with the Mutakallim, Sufis, Batinites and ending with the views of Greek philosophers.


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